Like this:
Ahh... I love that sticker.
Anyway, this poor mite is named Laken, and as usual, I tried to follow the thought process of the adult who did the naming.
(You know it's a bad name when your spell checker objects, by the way.)
So maybe it's someone who didn't quite want to follow the Jayden trend. Commendable.
Then, perhaps, they thought of the Jayden alternative, Kalen.
(Always makes me think of kale, than name...)
So I suppose that they thought perhaps Kalen was slightly too trendy. The obvious thing to do, to them, was to switch the K and L around. Taa-daa! It's not Jayden, it's not Kalen, but it's just as frickin' stupid. Although I'm sure the parents gave themselves quite a pat on the back for cuteness and originality.
Or am I barking up the wrong tree here... is it pronounced a totally different way? Is it not lay'ken, after all, but rather la-ken'? God, that would be even worse. Laken doll. Heh.
Well, Laken with a long A is bad... Laken with a short A is much, much worse. I hope young Laken got off lightly (relatively) and got the long A.
And remember, people, creative spellings will cause creative pronunciations. Keep this in mind.
(I hope this kid's mother doesn't read my blog and start beating me over the head in the grocery store or something. I gotta find some bad names that are from out of the area.)